The Awakening and Frontios
Two classic Peter Davison stories on one double-tape set.
The Awakening
The TARDIS has brought The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough to the picture postcard English village of Little Hodcome. Tegan has come to visit her grandfather – well known local historian Andrew Verney – but he seems to be missing. The residents of Little Hodcombe, led by the obsessive Sir George Hutchinson, are playing a vicious war game – an exact recreation of a battle of the English Civil War fought there in 1643.
As each of the TARDIS crew witnesses a terrifying apparition from the past, The Doctor realises that he faces a far greater menace than the unstable Hutchinson. An ancient and alien force for evil is at work – one which will glory in the slaughterof them all…
Originally transmitted 19th – 20th January 1984.
As a strange force takes hold of the TARDIS, The Doctor and his friends find themselves grounded in the inhospitable planet of Frontios, where the last survivors of the human race scratch out a desperate existence far away from their long dead homeworld.
The colonists are gripped by fear and paranoia as the planet is battered by attacks from space and they watch as the bodies of their dead are sucked into the ground. But The Doctor only appreciates the true gravity of the situation when he finds that the TARDIS has been destroyed…
Originally transmitted 26th January – 3rd February 1984.
The Awakening was the second episode of season 21
Frontios was the third episode of season 21 and first to go into another story