





Also Called:


First Seen In:

Destiny of the Daleks


Remembrance of the Daleks


Antalin was a planet which served as a decoy for Skaro.

During the 22nd century Dalek invasion, The Daleks discovered records which showed that Skaro had been destroyed during the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War. The Seventh Doctor apparently had destroyed Skaro using the Hand of Omega. (War of the Daleks)

The destruction of Skaro occurred in the future, though The Doctor did not leave the 1963 time zone. See the Shoreditch Incident.

After an unsuccessful attempt to change history, The Daleks realised that history could not be altered and Skaro would have to appear to be destroyed.

To fool Davros and the Doctor into thinking Skaro had been destroyed, The Daleks terraformed Antalin to resemble Skaro. Davros was moved from Skaro to Antalin and placed inside a replica of the Kaled bunker. The Daleks also created a race of robots called the Movellans and manufactured a war with them, before reviving Davros. It was Antalin which served as the location for The Doctor and Romana’s encounter with The Daleks and which was destroyed by the Hand of Omega. (War of the Daleks)

The terraformed Antalin appeared to be a desolate world with much rocks and some grass. The ruined Kaled Dome and bunker were also recreated. A Dalek mutant, existing outside a casing and having decayed into a semi-liquid form, was found by the Fourth Doctor. (Destiny of the Daleks, War of the Daleks)

Alternatively, Davros believed Dalek Prime was lying and that Skaro had truly been the destroyed planet. He reasoned Prime then terraformed another planet to be a recreation of Skaro, with The Daleks under Prime’s command unable to realise it was a fake due to their young age, to further the claim that the planet survived. (War of the Daleks) Indeed, other accounts stated Skaro had been destroyed by the Hand. (Twice Upon a Time (novelisation), The Restoration Empire)

No matter the case, Skaro survived or was recreated, though it was later destroyed, (Daleks in Manhattan) leaving behind mere ruins, (City of the Daleks, Asylum of the Daleks) during the Last Great Time War. (Daleks in Manhattan)


A water-covered planet called Antalin also appears in War of the Daleks

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