An android, sometimes called just “droid” for short, was a humanoid robot or, as the Tenth Doctor once explained to Martha Jones, a “humanoid automaton”. (The Last Dodo) Examples included Kamelion (in his natural form) (The King’s Demons) and the K1 robot. (Robot) Although the term”android” was often used for robots of both genders, a female android was technically called a “gynoid”, and they were referred to as such on occasion. (Christmas on a Rational Planet)
In the 1880s, Joseph Montague invented the Difference Golems. He used a research probe for the brain of the androids. (Children of Steel)
After seeing seven chair legs in the attic of 10 Downing Street in July 1900, Vicki Pallister wondered if there were wooden androids in Victorian London. However, she did not ask The Doctor if this was the case as she thought that it was probably something that she was supposed to already know. (Upstairs)
By the early 26th century, androids were commonplace in Earth Empire society, but were viewed as an under-class. The androids finally became fed up with the situation and moved en masse to the relatively unused Orion System. They set up their own government, with the stipulation that humans living in the system could stay if they accepted android rule. The Earth Empire considered this a violation of sentient rights, and attacked, starting the Orion War. The Earth Military tried to use Cybermen against the androids, which eventually resulted in the Cyber-Wars. (Sword of Orion)
In the 40th century, androids were considered equal to humans. (The Guardian of the Solar System) At least one, Mark Seven, served in the Space Security Service. (The Destroyers)
River Song claimed to have dated androids. She said that they were”rubbish”. (Silence in the Library)
The Steigertrudes once used android replicas as part of a scheme. (The Scarlet Empress)
List of androids
Android types
Rob oforms (The Christmas Invasion, The Runaway Bride, The Pandorica Opens)
Raston Warrior Robot (The Five Doctors)
Adherents of the Repeated Meme (The End of the World)
Clockwork Droids (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Cyberman android (Earthshock)
Heavenly Host (Voyage of the Damned)
Sandminer robots (The Robots of Death)
Kraal androids (The Android Invasion)
Monarch’s androids (Four to Doomsday)
Movellans (Destiny of the Daleks)
Android mummies (Pyramids of Mars)
Robot clowns of the Psychic Circus (The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)
Sharaz Jek’s android rebels (The Caves of Androzani)
Slabs (Smith and Jones)
Taran androids (The Androids of Tara)
Wardens (The Infinite Quest)
Smiler (The Beast Below)
Borad’s blue-skinned androids (Timelash)
Difference Golems (Children of Steel)
Shoal droids (The Return of Doctor Mysterio)
Individual androids
The Anne Droid (Bad Wolf)
Android versions of Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster (The Chase)
Daleks’ Doctor (The Chase)
Eve (The Last Dodo)
Governor Lok (The Infinite Quest)
K1 (Robot)
Kamelion (in his natural form) (The King’s Demons)
Terileptil android (The Visitation)
Trine-E and Zu-Zana (Bad Wolf)
Salateen replica (The Caves of Androzani)
Quarsians’ robot Destructor UNIT J7 (Android of Death)
Mister Dread (Dreamland)
Edwin Bracewell (Victory of the Daleks)
Melaina (Sirens of Ceres)
The Muse (Planet Bollywood)
Bigon (Four to Doomsday)
Enlightenment (Four to Doomsday)
Kurkutji (Four to Doomsday)
Lin Futu (Four to Doomsday)
Persuasion (Four to Doomsday)
Villagra (Four to Doomsday)
Data (Assimilation²)
RVN-73 (aka “Arven”): (Paradox Lost)
Catherine Broome (Companion Piece)
Mark Seven (The Destroyers)
Samantha Thorn (Cyberman)