Amelia Doory
Main Aliases:
Twilight 7
Project: Twilight
Main Voice Actor:
Holly De Jong
Amelia Doory was a vampire created by the Forge as part of Project: Twilight.
She was the seventh test subject to survive the process of being injected with the Twilight Virus. On 4 October 1915, she led a rebellion against the Forge with Reggie Mead. 56 other vampires escaped from the facility with Amelia.
In November 2001, she helped the Sixth Doctor find out why Eddie died. She despised the Forge and wanted to reverse what they did to her. She converted Cassie Sch ofield into a vampire. She had a blood farm. Amelia presumably drowned in the Thames after The Doctor attempted to stop her from poisoning the city. (Project: Twilight)