All Hands On Deck

All Hands On Deck
All Hands On Deck

Regular Cast

Carole Ann Ford (Narrator)


Doctor Who: Short Trips Monthly is a series of new short stories read by an original cast member.

Release #34 is a Eighth Doctor and Susan story.

Everyone Susan Campbell cared about has gone. Most of them died in the second Dalek invasion, and her grandfather never visits. She’s living in what used to be Coal Hill School, helping Earth rebuild again.

Then, one night, she’s called away to help with an emergency. A piece of appropriated Dalek technology is malfunctioning, and everyone’s afraid of what it might do…

This is just the first in a sequence of predicaments facing Susan – and the connection between them will shape the rest of her life.

Producer: Ian Atkins
Script Editor: Ian Atkins
Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written by: Eddie Robson
Directed by: Lisa Bowerman


  • All Hands on Deck was the ninth story of the seventh season of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips series.
  • A tree in the former playground of Coal Hill School was planted in memory of Ian and Barbara, although Susan has not looked at the dedication plaque in enough detail to establish when they died.
  • Susan has been sent a Tesseract by the Time Lords.
  • A TARDIS comes for Susan, disguised as a wardrobe.
  • Susan notes that The Doctor hasn’t regenerated since she last saw him. (To the Death) She also notes that his clothes look battered, as if he’d travelled a long way. (The Night of the Doctor)
  • Susan says that she has fought The Daleks off Earth twice in the past. (The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Lucie Miller, To the Death)
  • Susan realises that the Time War started in part due to an attempt by the Time Lords to stop The Daleks before they began. (Genesis of the Daleks)
  • Susan notes that her current name is not her real one. Different accounts have given her birth name as Larn (Birth of a Renegade) or Arkytior. (Roses)

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