A Heart on Both Sides

A Heart On Both Sides

A Heart On Both Sides

Regular Cast

Sarah Sutton (Narrator)


Doctor Who: Short Trips Monthly is a series of new short stories read by an original cast member.

A Heart On Both Sides is an Eighth Doctor and Nyssa story.

After her medical work on Terminus, Nyssa is now the controllerof a hospital ship, the Traken. As the universe burns in the crossfire of the Time War, she and her assistant travel to a planet close to Gallifrey where they are needed more than ever. A long time ago, Nyssa knew a Time Lord and understood his people. But it seems they can change…

Producer: Ian Atkins
Script Editor: Ian Atkins
Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written by: Rob Nisbet
Directed by: Lisa Bowerman


  • A Heart On Both Sides was the eighth story of the seventh season of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips series.
  • This story was recorded on 22 November 2016.
  • Even though The Doctor is in the story, he travels incognito and is never directly referred to as “The Doctor” throughout the story. However, Nyssa recalls travelling with “her Doctor” and in the story The Doctor identifies himself as being three regenerations after travelling with Nyssa.
  • The Sisters bear the green medical crescent. (The Whispering Forest, New Earth, Gridlock)
  • Praxis gas turns plants purple. (The Caves of Androzani)
  • The Doctor explains that knowing something as a fact makes it a fixed point in time and space. Until then, it is still indeterminate and may never happen. (The Angels Take Manhattan)
  • The Doctor kisses Nyssa on the cheek when they part. (Terminus)
  • The Doctor wakes and sits upright, a strip of light across his eyes. (The TV Movie)

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