25 October 1980-16 March 1982
First Seen In:
Last Appearance:
Latest Appearance:
The Caves of Androzani (guest)
Numberof Series:
1 1/2
Main Actor:
Matthew Waterhouse
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Adric was a companion of the Fourth and Fifth Doctors. An inhabitant of E-Space, he only entered N-Space by means of his travelling with The Doctor.
With his Elite status for mathematics, Adric brought an additional academic know-how to the TARDIS’s crew. He was killed whilst trying to stop a freighter from crashing into a prehistoric Earth, which in turn caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.
Adric’s travels were primarily alongside Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka, although he did spend some time with Romana II and K9 Mark II. His friendship with Nyssa and Tegan was so strong that they were deeply affected by his death, leading to Tegan temporarily leaving The Doctor’s company. Nyssa later named her son after Adric.
Adric was an Alzarian born on the planet Alzarius in the parallel universe of E-Space in the 32nd century. His parents Morell and Talisa died in a forest fire when he was young, leaving him and his brother to fend for themselves. (The Invasion of E-Space, A Full Life) He was ranked as an elite and was awarded a blue star-shaped badge with gilt edging for mathematical excellence. His older brother Varsh belonged to a gang of teenage thieves. Adric wanted to join them but was refused. Varsh asked him the embarkation question:”Where will you be when the starliner leaves Alzarius?” Adric replied that he would be somewhere else entirely. This proved to be true, he was on board the TARDIS when it took off. To prove himself to the gang, he tried to steal some riverfruit, but failed. (Full Circle)
Adric stowed away on the TARDIS and was discovered by the Fourth Doctor and Romana II. He pretended to share the agenda of the Three Who Rule, a trio of vampires who ruled over a small community. He tried to save Romana from being sacrificed but failed, both were saved by The Doctor. (State of Decay)
After Romana left, Adric and the Doctor travelled together. They left E-Space and entered The Doctor’s universe. (Warriors’ Gate) Soon after, they went to Traken and met Nyssa. They saved Traken from the Master and returned the Keepership to its rightful heir. (The Keeper of Traken)
He greatly missed Romana and K9 after their departure. (Psychodrome)
The Doctor assembled another version of K9, who joined them on their journeys. (Inter-Galactic Cat, Conundrum, Planet of Paradise, Plague World, Just a Small Problem) At some point before the Fourth Doctor’s attempt to fix the TARDIS’ chameleon circuit, (Logopolis) he sent this K9 to Sarah Jane Smith, care of her Aunt Lavinia. (A Girl’s Best Friend)
Adric and the Doctor met Narvin on Bellascon who was sent by Vansell to investigate the same time travel technology being constructed by the natives of the planet that The Doctor and Adric were also investigating. Adric was suddenly wiped from history and Narvin realised that his ancestors had been killed when the ship that they were on exploded. The Doctor sent Narvin back in time to prevent the explosion, where he discovered that one of the people involved with the technology had gone back to prevent all of the Doctor’s companions from being born. Narvin killed him and Adric came back. They left after Narvin took the technology. (Erasure)
Adric and the Doctor encountered The Master again shortly after leaving Traken. The Doctor made plans to use the mathematical skills of the Logopolitans to repair the faulty TARDIS chameleon circuit they met Nyssa again, as well as Earth stewardess Tegan Jovanka, both of whom joined them on their travels. Although they again defeated The Master, The Doctor was badly injured. All three companions watched him regenerate. (Logopolis)
Immediately after The Doctor’s regeneration, The Master kidnapped Adric and held him in the Hadron web. The Master planned to use Adric’s mathematical prowess to produce his own version of Block Transfer Computations. With this power, The Master made the town of Castrovalva as a trap for the Fifth Doctor. However, The Doctor saw through The Master’s plan and rescued Adric. Without Adric in the web, the city began to collapse. The Doctor, Adric, Tegan and Nyssa escaped, while The Master seemed to be destroyed in the city. (Castrovalva)
Adric’s relationship with The Doctor deteriorated after the Fourth Doctor regenerated and Tegan and Nyssa began travelling in the TARDIS. (Logopolis, Castrovalva)
He told Tegan that he understood the mathematics that created the TARDIS soon after there was some turbulence. Upon searching for the source of the Time Disturbances, he encountered Roz Forrester. He was then taken to the Scientific building for questioning. To allow The Doctor and Patience to escape, he stayed behind to face the adjudicator who was in fact Roz. He encountered the Seventh Doctor and helped in his plans. (Cold Fusion)
Adric believed the girls were a hindrance to his relationship with The Doctor. He also had a clear preference for the Fourth Doctor. (Divided Loyalties, Earthshock)
While visiting Cranleigh Hall in Buckinghamshire on 11 June 1925, Adric attended the fancy dress party thrown by Lady Madge Cranleigh and her son Charles Cranleigh, wearing a pirate costume. (Black Orchid)
During the party, he briefly met the Seventh Doctor’s companion Ace, who was searching forone of the segments of the Key to Time and began to flirt with her. However, Ace was not receptive to his advances and threatened to give him a permanent limp if he continued. (Time &, Time Again)
He once argued with Tegan and the Doctor when the helmic regulator had been reprogrammed. (The Toy)
On one occasion, The Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan spent Christmas with the renegade Time Lady Iris Wildthyme aboard the TARDIS. Iris was fond of Adric and was devastated to hear of his untimely death. (Excelis Dawns)
Working with Nyssa, Adric attempted to fly the TARDIS, which resulted in the ship materialising on Fleming’s Island, the TARDIS falling off a cliff after the four had left. They travelled to a large house in the hope of finding a map of the island. After The Doctor identified the threat they faced as the I Predator, a sentient number that hunted its own kind and now hunted humans, Adric was able to devise a way to communicate with the I and trap the Predator While the rest escaped to the TARDIS. (Iterations of I)
He finally told The Doctor that he wanted to return to E-Space. After showing The Doctor his computations to engineer the return, Adric admitted he really wished to remain on the TARDIS. He was caught up in a failed plan of the Cybermen to bombard the Earth with Briggs’ freighter in 2526, while The Doctor and his companions were stuck on the TARDIS with the Cyber-Leader who, upon learning that his attempt to destroy the human race had, in fact, made its evolution possible in the first place, decided to kill the time travellers to prevent them from enjoying their victory. The Doctor took Adric’s star badge and rubbed its gold edge into the chest unit of the Cyber-Leader, fragmenting the badge in the process. In a panic, the dying Cyber-Leader fired its gun wildly, blasting the TARDIS console with one of its wayward shots. The Doctor wrested the gun from the Cyberman and killed it, but the damage to the TARDIS console made it impossible to operate and go after Adric.
On his own, Adric, who had been made to stay on the freighter by the Cyber-Leader, attempted to steer the spaceship away from the Earth, but a wounded Cyberman quietly limped into the control room and opened fire on him before it succumbed to its injuries. While the Cyberman missed Adric, it destroyed the freighter control system, making it impossible for Adric to change the freighter’s course. Adric resigned himself to his fate and clutched his fallen brother’s sash never knowing whether he was right. With Adric on board, the freighter, having travelled backwards in time due to the Cybermen’s interference, crashed into prehistoric Earth, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. Nyssa and Tegan wept at his loss, while The Doctor was at a loss for words over his failure to save a close friend. (Earthshock)
As the freighter was plummeting towards Earth, Adric attempted to redirect the ship via the use of Block Transfer Computation . Meanwhile, in the 19th century, the Fifth Doctor was trying to recover his TARDIS through Block Transfer Computation after it was stolen by Thomas Brewster. At its completion, The Doctor subconsciously appeared as a “ghost” to Adric on the freighter, feeding him numbers for entry into the Cyberman computer, creating a bubble universe in which Adric successfully lands the ship on prehistoric Earth.
There, Adric created a City of Excellence and ruled over a sentient race of scorpions which he had made intelligent. All of this was done with Block Transfer Computations. The computations also extended Adric’s life far beyond its natural length. Five hundred years later, Adric met The Doctor and Nyssa. He accompanied them back to the Victorian era. Adric finally died after helping Thomas Brewster pilot the TARDIS back to The Doctor and Nyssa in 1868. (The Boy That Time Forgot)
An illusion of Adric appeared to Nyssa and Tegan to dissuade them from entering Kalid’s inner sanctum, warning them to turn back or they would destroy him. The girls thought at first this was the real Adric, until they noticed the illusion was wearing Adric’s by-now-destroyed star-shaped badge. (Time-Flight)
Adric’s death led The Doctor to swear that he would not allow any of his other companions to die during his fifth incarnation. (Goth Opera)
Just before he regenerated, the last word the Fifth Doctor said was “Adric?” (The Caves of Androzani) Adric’s death haunted The Doctor for many years. His tenth incarnation watched Adric die again – this time as a manifestation of the TARDIS Matrix. (The Forgotten)
Nyssa named heronly son Adric in his honour. He had one older sister named Neeka. (Heroes of Sontar)
Adric was unwittingly responsible for Nyssa becoming trapped in E-Space, as a program he had created that would direct the TARDIS to home in on a nearby CVE had been accidentally programmed into the TARDIS before his death, with this program being activated when The Doctor was trying to take Nyssa for a reunion with her son, (Mistfall) with Nyssa forced to stay behind to operate the equipment needed to send the TARDIS back to N-Space. (The Entropy Plague)
On Adeki, the Seventh Doctor found what appeared to be Adric, along with other former companions, alive again and desperate to leave in the TARDIS. He learned that these were actually Gwanzulums, a race of shapeshifters. (Planet of the Dead)
While in the Divergent Universe, the Eighth Doctor was shown an illusory version of Adric by the Kro’ka. (The Last)
It infuriated the Tenth Doctor when the Advocate used Adric’s death against him in order to estrange him from his companions. (Tesseract)
At some point, Adric was taken to the Black Archive by UNIT to have his record as a companion of the Doctor taken. His memories of the visit were subsequently erased and he was sent on his way. (The Day of the Doctor)
Adric was a mathematical genius. He was very proud of his Elite status. He wished to be accepted by his brother Varsh’s gang, the Outlers, and tried to steal riverfruit to prove himself, but failed. When his brother died, he kept his belt, a symbol of Outler membership. (Full Circle) Otherwise, the belonging to that rebel party, as well as later attempts to provoke revolutionary riots (State of Decay) denoted him as a young Turk.
He pretended to go along with the plans of the vampires in a ploy to rescue Romana, with whom he got on well. (State of Decay) Aukon sensed Adric had the strength of spirit to survive becoming a vampire. (The Eight Doctors)
Adric was fiercely loyal to The Doctor and had a generally amicable relationship with the Time Lord, who acted as his mentor. Adric wanted desperately to be brave and accepted, he defied The Master (The Keeper of Traken) and died trying to solve a math/computer problem, in order to prevent a freighter from crashing into the Earth. As he crashed to his death, unable to access the computer system to input his last mathematical calculation, he held his brother’s belt and said almost wistfully, “Now I’ll never know if I was right.” (Earthshock)
Two days after she met Adric, Tegan told Nyssa that he “rubbed [her] up the wrong way” and accused him of being condescending and “a male chauvinist.” (Psychodrome)
Adric once described Tegan as being “unreasonably highly strung”. (The Toy)
Adric watched recordings of Monty Python in the TARDIS’ television lounge and often quoted from the series. (Not So Much a Programme, More a Way of Life)
Tegan once referred to Adric as “Pyjama Boy”. (The Contingency Club)
In an alternate timeline, Adric arrived with the Fourth Doctor and Romana on a planet called Veridis where a man named Tivorg built a machine that brought dead back to life and had successfully resurrected his granddaughter, Asun. The resulting overpopulation and the flood of people that travelled to Tivorg’s hometown in order to have their loved ones brought back resulted in chaos, which The Doctor knew would only spread to the rest of E-Space, and possibly N-Space, should anyone beyond Veridis find out about it. The Doctor and Romana discovered that the machine had somehow become alive from all the people it had resurrected, preventing it from being shut down. The two Time Lords gave their own lives in order to shut down the machine, leaving Adric alone on Veridis with K9, with the TARDIS slowly dying following The Doctor’s own death.
After his friends’ deaths, Adric started to make a life for himself on the strange planet, marrying Asun and having two children named Varsh and Neegat. He eventually became a doctor and, after his children grew up, started to travel Veridis with Asun, helping people not only as a doctor but also in a manner similar to how The Doctor helped people. When Asun died, Adric started a new relationship with a man named Reebac and became close with his grandson. Sometime later he began to have dreams of the Master and his entropy wave destroying all of N-Space, and he knew that this would happen because The Doctor was not around to stop it. After looking into The Doctor’s and Romana’s deaths and realising that they could have stopped the machine without giving their lives, Adric used crystals salvaged from the TARDIS to construct a time machine in order to prevent their deaths. He was successful in doing so. It is unknown whetheror not this alternate timeline ceased to exist or if he simply disappeared from it, though the fact that his recorded story was heard to be fast-forwarded and rewound by an unknown listener suggests the latter. (A Full Life)
In another alternate timeline, The Doctor was able to save Adric. (So Vile a Sin)
Visitation DVD
E Space Trilogy DVD
Earthshock DVD
Earthshock Episode Guide
E Space Trilogy DVD
Castrovalva Episode Guide
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