The Three Doctors

The Three DoctorsThe Three Doctors


“Unless the energy loss is stopped, the whole fabric of space time will be destroyed… We are being consumed.”

Time itself is in peril! The three Doctors are united against an old arch enemy…

Vital cosmic energy is draining into a black hole and the Timelords are under siege. The Doctor is theironly hope but, trapped in the TARDIS, he’s powerless. The only way out is to break the First Law of Time to let The Doctor help himself… literally…

Originally transmitted 30th December 1972 – 20th January 1973, this special tenth anniversary adventure is available for the first time on BBC Video.

Episode Guide


The Three Doctors was the first episode of season 10 and the tenth anniversary episode

Introduced Omega

Country United Kingdom
Release Date 5  August 1991
No. Of tapes 1
Original RRP £10.99
Encoding PAL
Aspect ratio 4:3
Running time 99 mins approx


  • Episode one – 9.6 million viewers
  • Episode two – 10.8 million viewers
  • Episode three – 8.8 million viewers
  • Episode four – 11.9 million viewers


  • Summerfield Bungalow in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire served as the Ollis’s cottage. The bird sanctuary was actually Springwell Reservoir, also in Rickmansworth.
  • Exterior scenes set in Omega’s universe were filmed at Springwell Quarry.
  • Halings House in Denham Green, Buckinghamshire, served as the exteriorof UNIT HQ.
  • The fight between the Third Doctor and Omega’s dark side, as well as the First Doctor’s scenes, were filmed at Ealing Television Film Studios.
  • Model shots were filmed at the BBC Television Centre Puppet Theatre, with all other scenes filmed at BBC Television Centre Studio 1.
  • Hartnell’s garden was used for the shot where the Time Lords see the First Doctor on their monitor.

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