Regular Cast Jodie Whittaker ( Guest Cast Sam Spruell (Swarm), Rochenda Sandall (Azure), Steve Oram (Williamson), Kevin McNally (Professor Jericho), Craige Els (Karvanista), Thaddea Graham (Bel), Jemma Redgrave (Kate Stewart), Jonathan Watson (Sontaran Commander Stenck), Craig Parkinson (Grand Serpent), Dan Starkey (Senstarg/Shallo/Kragar), Annabel Scholey (Claire Brown), Jacob Anderson (Vinder), Nadia Albina (Diane), Simon Carew (Ood), Silas Carson (Voice of the Ood), Jonny Mathers (Passenger), Sonny Walker (Stevie (Grand Serpent Victim)), Sam Spruell[1]/Jodie Whittaker[1] (Time) In the final epic chapter in the story of the Flux, all hope is lost. The forces of darkness are in control. But when the monsters have won, who can you count upon to save the universe? The Doctor runs from Swarm, taking Tecteun’s Ood with her. Swarm and Azure chase after The Doctor but The Doctor takes off her conversion plate just as Swarm touches her, causing her to be split into three parts between various locations: the Divison spacecraft, the Lupari ship, and the Liverpool tunnels. On the Division spacecraft, Azure opens the fob watch to return The Doctor’s missing memories to her, but The Doctor refuses to see them. In the Passenger, Vinder and Diane disrupt the internal systems allowing them to escape but still leaving them stranded in another unknown environment. Yaz, Dan, Jericho, and Williamson take out the first wave of Sontarans with lightning from one of the tunnel doors before traveling to the present through another. They meet up with Kate Stewart who is leading a resistance against the Sontaran invasion. Having discovered Sontaran’s weakness for their love of Earth chocolate, The Doctor makes a deal with them of chocolate in exchange for two human psychic operatives, Claire and Jericho, who will help them find the coordinates for the final Flux event to reach Earth. On the Lupari ship, The Doctor pilots it away from the shield formation to crash into the Dark Energy Camera in Chile where the Sontarans have set up base. They are stopped by a force shield and are captured, just like The Doctor intended. As they are held in a cell on one of the Sontaran ships, Karvanista reveals to The Doctor that during her time working for the Division, he was her companion, but cannot say more about it as the Division put an implant in his brain that would kill him if he spoke of their time together. As The Doctor is taken away for interrogation by the Sontarans, they tell Karvanista that all of the Lupari were destroyed by the Sontarans. During interrogation by the Grand Serpent, one of the Doctors travels in the TARDIS and frees herself while also trapping the Grand Serpent with his own torture device. At the same time, Bel downloads transmissions from the Sontaran ship. The transmissions reveal the Sontarans offering an alliance with the Cybermen and Daleks. In reality, the Sontarans are using the guise of a peace alliance in order to sacrifice them to slow the Flux, thus vanquishing their enemies while they remain safe behind the Lupari shields. Claire is able to escape the Sontaran ship, but Jericho is not. The Doctor also manages to rescue Vinder and Diane, who share a happy reunion with Bel and Dan. In a turn of plans, The Doctor reforms the Lupari shield behind the Sontarans instead of in front of thus leaving the Sontarans and Jericho to be consumed by the Flux along with The Daleks and Cybermen. Some of the Flux makes it past the shield, so The Doctor uses the Passenger, a source of endless matter, to absorb the Flux remnants. Azure and Swarm bring The Doctor to Atropos to sacrifice her to Time, but since the Flux was destroyed thus failing to free Time, Time destroys them. Time lets The Doctor go but forebodingly warns her that the end is coming for her before reunifying her. In the Liverpool tunnels, Kate and Vinder strand the Grand Serpent on a small asteroid through one of the doors. Vinder and Bel decide to travel with Karvanista. Back in Liverpool, Dan invites Diane to go for a drink with him, which they were unable to do due to what had happened. However, Diane, due to her experiences, turns down the offer. The Doctor invites Dan to join her and Yaz on their travels. The Doctor deposits the fob watch containing her lost memories into the TARDIS interior, telling it to hide it until she really asks for it. The Doctor gives Joseph Williamson a “Paul Hollywood handshake”.
The Doctor asks Karvanista about their past, revealing she saw him in her past at the Temple of Atropos. (Once, Upon Time)
This episode is set on the same day it was broadcast, 5 December 2021. This makes it one of only six episodes in the revived series to do so, following after The End of Time: Part One on 25 December 2009, The Big Bang on 26 June 2010, The Impossible Astronaut on 22 April 2011, Resolution on 1 January 2019, and the Halloween Apocalypse on 31 October, 2021. Incidentally, this means that both the first and the final Chapterof Doctor Who: Flux were broadcast on the day they take place.
Written by
Chris Chibnall
Directed by
Azhur Saleem
Produced by
Pete Levy
Claire recalls The Doctor being taken away by the Weeping Angels. (Village of the Angels)
Dan realises him releasing Karvanista was what the wise man was referring to by “fetch your dog”. (Survivors of the Flux)
The Doctor is warned about her impending regeneration, as was the Tenth Doctor in Planet of the Ood and Planet of the Dead.STORY NOTES